Amitriptyline (Elavil)

Amitriptyline (Elavil)

I get many questions from people asking how Amitriptyline has helped me with my vestibular migraines, when it started to help me, and what side effects I have from taking it. So here is my personal experience with taking Amitriptyline.

How It Helps:

Amitriptyline is an antidepressant that (in my non-doctor explanation) basically increases the level of serotonin in your brain. This helps to decrease your chances of getting a migraine.

Dosage Amount:

I have been taking Amitriptyline to prevent vestibular migraines since February 2017. My doctor started me out at 10 mg a day for one week, then I increased by 10 mg each week until I felt that I was getting the most relief without too many side effects. Basically my doctor allowed me to go up 100 mg a day if I felt I needed that amount. I stopped increasing once I got to 75 mg a day.

When It Started To Help:

I first noticed that the Amitriptyline was helping me when I reached 30 mg a day, which was about 3 weeks into taking it. At this point I started going out to stores, restaurants, for walks, and starting to drive again. This was not an instant recovery. It got a little easier each time I would go out. For example, by my 10th trip or so to the grocery store, I finally stopped having any off balance feelings. Be patient!

Side Effects:

 Most of the side effects that I had would go away within a few days of each dosage increase.

  • Very sleepy and hard to get up in the mornings – CO Q10 helps with this (got easier after a few days and I love that it helps me sleep better)
  • Foggy Head – I felt that I was a little slower with problem solving, things like that
  • Dry mouth – I was drinking a lot of water to help with this (again, it went away within a few days after each dosage increase)
  • Heart palpitations – a few here and there, but magnesium helped (again they went away within a few days of each dosage increase)

All of those side effects are gone.

I also had some weight gain. (About 10 lbs.)

Where I Am Now:

I am happy to share with you that as of today, November 5, 2019, I am now only taking 35 mg a day. I believe I was able to decrease the dosage because I now know what most of my vestibular migraine triggers are. I have been at this dosage for a few months and will plan to try decreasing again in a few months. My goal is to come off the Amitriptyline completely.

Also, as I decrease the dosage I am noticing that I am starting to lose some of the weight I gained from it. 

Overall, I owe getting my life back to Amitriptyline. I found that the side effects were well worth dealing with to get my life back.

9 thoughts on “Amitriptyline (Elavil)

  1. I have been following you for a little while in fact we chatted via YouTube comments a while ago about Dr. Foster. My insurance wouldn’t allow me to see her nor would she take cash. Now I have new insurance and I will get to see her in Jan 2020.

    I am so happy to hear you are doing much better you are and have been a inspiration for me to keep going as we seem to be on a similar journey.

    I would love to hear anything tips, tricks, dr’s, naturopathic, exercise, anything really. I am local in COS so Please reach out I’m all ears… 🤔

    Thank you so much for making this website and putting up your successes.

    1. Hi Rick & Jen Kane, Thank you so much for reaching out to me again and visiting my new blog. I’m excited to share everything that I have learned over the last 2 1/2 years of recovery. I do remember chatting with you before. I am so excited that you will be seeing Dr. Foster. She is truly amazing. I’m sorry you have to wait until January, but I am certain she will be able to help you.

      Thank you for the ideas to include in blogs. I really want to share things that you and others will find helpful, so I really do appreciate that. I am planning to write the next one on the books that I have read. I have so many to recommend and cannot wait to share those.

      Thanks again for reaching out to me. Please let me know how your appointment with Dr. Foster goes.

  2. Thank you for your videos! I went on a cruise April 2019. And I picked up mal debarment since then. Now I even feel the rocking from car rides. I’ve had other weird migraine symptoms in the past so I guess I’m not surprised by this even though it is a crazy symptom. This week I went to a neurologist and asked her for the Amitriptaline. I’ve only taken a few 10mg so far but you have given me hope with your videos. I pray this will help along with the emotional healing I need to do.
    I’m so happy for you and thanks again for sharing your journey!

    1. Hi Lisa,
      I don’t think that I ever responded to your comment. I apologize, I think I must have missed it. How are you doing now? Did the Amitriptyline help you?

  3. Thank you for sharing. My story is almost identical but my cruise in April 2019 was the beginning of this. I’ve had headaches for a few years so this symptom does not surprise me as weird as it is.
    I just went to the neurologist on Tuesday and I asked her for Amitriptyline. I’m on the 10 mg a day and I will increase it each week. Along with the emotional healing I need to do.
    I’m so happy for you and thanks again for sharing your story 💓

  4. hello dear, I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I was feeling lost sad and very depressed because of my sickness (8 months of continued dizziness) and still no one figers out what is the diagnose. when i saw ur vedio in youtube i felt that i am talking! u are really discribed my symptoms very well. I just dont know what should be the next step, should i see ENT again or neurologist? also, i would like to know the full name & address of dr. Foster please.

    1. Hi Hope, Thank you so much for your kind words. I sincerely hope that I can be of any help to let you and others know that you can get your life back.

      I would advise to go back to your ENT to ask if Vestibular Migraines could possibly be what you have. They apparently do not have a specific test for it, so they test for everything else to rule it out and can then determine you have VM. Here is Dr. Foster’s website. I highly recommend her if you can see her.–md/

  5. hello dear, thanks alot for your reply. I have 3 questions for you and i will be very happy if you have the time to answer me. I have diagnosed with vestibular migrain with one neurologist doctor and she prescribed effexor xr. which i took it for 3 weeks and cut it off becaus i could not handle the side effects. and after i saw your youtube video i decided to go back and ask her again about Amitriptaline and she said she is not recommending it because one of its side effects is dizziness!. i get really confused. also i would like to know how u dealt with the worst side effects ? and is it safe to take Ami during pregnancy? I know your not doctor but maybe you have discussed this with dr Foster. thank you dear i have seen that u helped alot of people to answer there questions

    1. Hi Hope,

      Someone else mentioned that Amitriptyline can cause dizziness. I did feel more dizzy for a couple of days when I started it, but it has not caused me dizziness since then. I was constantly rocking 24/7 before I started it, so for me it has been amazing. The worst side effects from the Ami were (I say were because they went away after a few days) very tired and out of it, dry mouth, and feeling dizzier. Like I said, these only lasted a couple of days with each increase. I honestly don’t know if it is safe to take when pregnant but on it states “This drug should be used during pregnancy only if the benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus.” It sounds like it may not be worth the risk.

      Thank you so much for reaching out to me and watching my videos. It means so much to me to be of any help.

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