My Experience with an Intestine Cleanse (Game Changer)

My Experience with an Intestine Cleanse (Game Changer)

I have something really exciting that I want to share.  I think I may have found the game changer. I say think because I am still in the process of going through this cleanse. I have done the first round, which was a total of 4 weeks and am about to start another round. The directions recommend doing the cleanse for a couple of weeks and then taking a break for a week or two and then you can do another round. Well I changed it up just a bit.

As you know, I have been feeling great and have had my life back, but have kept searching for the answer why this all started. Why am I sensitive to certain foods all of a sudden? I have been exploring the topic of Candida and felt that I was on to something. I would feel much better while doing a candida treatment and garlic supplements, but couldn’t quite get to where I want to be. Most days I have felt what I would call close to 100% but there is always those times when the sway would come back when I was tired, stressed, or ate something wrong. I think I may, I repeat may, have found the answer. I have been really hesitant to share this until I can give it a couple of months, but I am seeing huge progress already. 

It all started with me and my obsession with reading about health and everything that could possibly have caused my vestibular nightmare. While reading one of these books, I came across a reference to intestinal parasites. This is different then what I had read about candida. After some quick exploring I realized this was a thing. We can have intestinal parasites and they can cause everything we experience. I went to Amazon and found a product called IntestinePro (link below). There were so many amazing reviews, some even mentioned feeling dizzy. I figured it was worth a try. All I can say is wow, I don’t want to get graphic but this was clearly something I had going on for me.

When I started taking IntestinePro, I took it 3 times a day (with food – very important) and within a couple of days I noticed it was working. Again, I won’t get graphic but just read some of the reviews. It is true. I did have some very horrible days while “die off” was occurring. I told myself this means it is working and well it was working. Again, won’t get graphic.

I did this for about 2 weeks at 3 pills a day, then decreased to just 1 pill a day at bedtime for another 2 weeks. Then (current time as of this posting 12/15/2019) I finishing up a week break from taking it. I plan to start taking the second round starting either today or tomorrow. In the meantime for the last week I was taking another amazing product that is still producing results for me is DiatomaceousEarth (Food Grade). I will not get into too much detail on this product for this blog, but will write another one for just this. It is so good I feel I should dedicate a separate section just for it.

Why do I feel this is helping?

First of all, I feel great! The big thing that I have noticed is that even when I’m stressed or get very little sleep, I do not feel even remotely as miserable as I would have just a month ago. I had a night recently where I only got about 4 hours of sleep and was stressed out. I thought for sure the next day at work would be very difficult and I would be feeling the swaying all day. Well I didn’t. I actually felt like a normal person would feel after a rough night of sleep. Just tired and maybe a little grumpy. Otherwise, no swaying or anything. This was the moment I thought this may be the answer.

There is more. I have also been able to eat more things that would normally have set me off. For example, anytime I had yogurt (live culture, supposed to be good for you) I would feel swaying and miserable within hours. I have tried it again this past week and have been able to eat it every morning for breakfast and felt great. Tonight I even tried two small bites of my husband’s bread he made with dinner. So far so good, but I will post an update here if I do have issues.

I would recommend trying this and am very eager to hear any feedback if you do.

I do want to explain the side effects that I encountered.

Within a day or two of starting these I had a really bad day. I had a pounding migraine and swaying for an entire day. After that, I cut back a bit and stopped taking the pills during the day. I tried taking the first pill of the day around 3 in the afternoon and the other 2 split up through the evening. This turned out to be quite a bit in a short period of time. I had swaying that night like I hadn’t felt in years, but told myself this is clearly doing something. I won’t get graphic here, but let’s just say I realized why I felt so horrible. I was experiencing die-off of parasites.

I know the side effects are scary and none of us want to experience dizziness again, but for me it paid off. I learned that I needed to see what level of die-off compared to dizziness I was willing to deal with. If you feel it is too much, just cut back to 1 or 2 pills a day. You will find what works for you.

I am feeling really great. Since doing this cleanse I have been trying more foods and drinks that I have avoided for years now. I am even drinking red wine some.

I am really thinking this is the game changer for me and hope that it is for you as well.

Here is the link to the IntstinePro