First Time Flying After Vestibular Migraines

First Time Flying After Vestibular Migraines

If you have suffered from the dizziness of Vestibular Migraines, you may be concerned about your first time flying on a plane while recovering. I sure was!

After spending a solid 9 months housebound due to the dizziness and pain of vestibular migraines I was excited when I started to recover, and with baby steps, got my life back. One thing I was especially excited and worried about was taking a vacation again. How would I feel on a plane? I had felt dizzy just walking on different types of pavement or sitting in a cushioned chair. I had no idea how a plane would feel to me.

My husband and I decided that our first flight would be somewhere that isn’t too far and we even splurged a bit to get first class seats so I wouldn’t feel closed in. I’m telling you, I was nervous.

As we walked through the airport I felt alive again. I loved seeing all the people rushing around to catch fights. I felt like I was in the middle of life again and I loved it. The airport felt completely fine to me, no issues at all. I thought to myself, “I got this!”

It was all going great and then we were finally able to board the plane. The walkway ramp that connected to the plane was the absolute only time I felt off a bit. The ramp gives just a little as you walk on it. Nothing any normal person would notice, but to a vestibular migrainer, it was noticeable. Now having said that, it was not a big deal. The feeling passed within seconds and it was not a dizzy feeling just an off balance feeling.

We got into our seats on the plane and the fun began. I had one of the best trips to Las Vegas I had ever had. I appreciated every moment to be alive, try all the amazing food, gamble, drink, stay up late, and just have fun. I did feel slight swaying by the end of the trip. Probably because I didn’t sleep as much and drank more, but it was nothing I couldn’t deal with.

If you’re worried about your first flight as you’re recovering, I hope this gives you some confidence. Now get out there and enjoy life!

2 thoughts on “First Time Flying After Vestibular Migraines

  1. hello dear, i really need ur advises, the doctor put me on “Nortriptyline” to start with 10 mg and increase the dosage by 10 mg every two weeks up to maximum 50 mg per day.

    When I started with 10 mg everything was going good and i have the dizziness but not too much which i can handle but i was not 100% fine so after two weeks i decided ti increase the dose up to 20 mg per day and i feel horrible, dizzy all the time and today is the 6th day with the new dosage 20 mg and still i am not feeling well.

    My Question is:

    Should I stay on 20 mg, give it time ? Or should i go back to 10 mg per day?

    Appreciate your kind support.

    1. I’m so sorry to hear that. I would feel dizzier with each increase as well, but it usually subsided within a few days. I hate to give medical advice, but I can at least tell you what I felt. I eventually felt better then before with each increase, but there were some very rough days while my body adjusted. With one of the increases I had a terrible headache for 4 days straight. So with the experience I had, if I felt dizzier for 6 days, maybe cutting the increase in 1/2 would help. So maybe cut the 10 mg pill in half. I did that a lot when I was trying to reduce my dosage.

      Please keep me posted on how you are doing. Sending you a Big Hug!

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