Intolerance Test to Determine What Foods are Causing Your Migraines

Intolerance Test to Determine What Foods are Causing Your Migraines

Have you been keeping a food diary to help determine what foods trigger your migraines? If you’re like me, you have been doing this and, like me, are frustrated with the trial and error. It takes so long to figure out what part of a meal is causing your migraines. It could be the butter, the yeast, the peppers, the milk, the onions, wheat, etc.…  Let’s face it, our food has so many ingredients that to eliminate the problem causers can take a very long time. I also know that if you’re like me and your migraines are causing dizziness and so many other horrible symptoms, you don’t want to take a long time to figure out how to feel better.

Once I was diagnosed with vestibular migraines, I immediately set out to determine what foods were contributing to my migraines. Some of the main and obvious triggers were easy for me. Giving up gluten and reducing dairy seemed to help a lot. However, I would still notice symptoms when eating many other foods. To say I was frustrated, would be an understatement. I couldn’t even eat yogurt. This is supposed to be one of the foods that helps with your gut bacterial balance. How could this make me feel dizzy? There were other foods that seemed to set me off that just didn’t make sense. So I decided to try a food intolerance test. Here is what happened.

I ordered the 5 Strands Intolerance Test from Amazon. I was very skeptical that this would work. You have to pluck about 10 strands of hair from your head and try to get them from the root. Then you put them in the provided pouch and send it back. I did it because I was desperate for some answers.

To my surprise, many of the foods that I suspected did show up as an intolerance for me. The first thing on my list for level 3 (most intolerant) is wheat (whole grain). One thing I noticed when I started avoiding gluten was that many foods that are gluten free have white rice or white rice flour in them.  I also realized that even if I did have a gluten free hamburger bun or bread, if I had too much in a short period of time, I would feel dizzy. This made me wonder if I just had an issue with yeast. See this, is where the guessing game comes in. Maybe it is this, maybe it is that.

It turns out that many of my suspicions were correct. White rice is one of my level 3 foods. Yeast is listed as a level 2 for me. I also wanted to know why yogurt caused issues for me. While yogurt is not on my list, buttermilk is a level 3 food for me. After some research I found that they are both fermented and comparable in that sense.  There are many other foods listed that I suspected. You can see in the image above.

To further convince me this test is worth every cent; I was somehow able to persuade my husband to try this. He was having issues with nausea and stomach cramping, so he let me pluck his hair and send it in for results. We received his results and he basically rolled his eyes and made a comment to the effect of, “I won’t be able to eat anything if I follow this.” Months and months later he was waking up many mornings with stomach cramping and just not feeling well. We tried to think what he was eating that could be causing issues. We realized we had gotten onto a popcorn kick lately. He didn’t really think it was that, so he continued to eat it and continued waking up with stomach pain. He finally accepted that it had to be the popcorn. I dug through our email to find his intolerance results and there it was; corn was a level 3 food for him.

Do I believe in this product? Yes, I really do believe in the results. You will also receive the vitamins and minerals that you are deficient in and airborne allergies. I recommend giving it a try. It can’t hurt.